Research in the Hayes Lab is focused on defining the extent and complexities of human and cancer genome diversity and to use this DNA variance to trace human ancestry and global health disparities, in particular prostate cancer.

To celebrate human diversity we must walk in the footsteps of others.

Quote & Photo: Vanessa Hayes


The Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney

hayes lab logo: Defining the extent of human genome diversity to understand global health disparities, with a focus on prostate cancer.

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu (1931-2021)

In fond memory of our greatest advocate. Thank you Arch for your belief in our work and your significant contribution to enabling African inclusion in the genomic revolution and the benefits of precision medicine for improved prostate cancer outcomes for African men.

hayes lab guiding proverb: “There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they are falling in.”

Quote: Archbishop Desmond Tutu